

Please contact us if you are interested in the following topics and co-operation areas in Chemistry, Cleantech, Biotech/Diagnostics and Pharma:


Leading Researchers & Heads of Research Organizations:

  • Discussion and support of planned or established start-up projects
  • Evaluation of proprietary technologies of a research group, corresponding markets, competition, target customers etc.
  • Presentations and Discussion Panels about founding technical-oriented start-up companies, the Founding Angel model, investment opportunities for early-phase start up’s,…


Graduates and Students interested in start-up companies:

  • Discussion and support of planned or established start-up projects
  • Evaluation of markets, competition, target customers etc. of potential start-up projects
  • Presentations and Discussion Panels about founding technical-oriented start-up companies, founding an own company as career alternative to a corporate career, management consulting or working as an investment executive, …


 Technology Transfer Organizations:

  • Discussion and support of start-up projects connected to the technology-transfer organization
  • Presentations and Discussion Panels about founding technical-oriented start-up companies, the Founding Angel model, investment opportunities for early-phase start up’s,…


As partner and accredited coach of various technology transfer organizations we can also initially support start up projects.  We are co-operating with various technology transfer offices of leading research organizations and are looking forward to your message.